November 19, 2011


in prosperity all are friends, no anyone is friend in bad times. life is like a shadow which repeats itself,all is false-this brittle life,these web-like relations,why we then ? keep carrying this load of sin.nothing is mine or your in this world, have throughts like a holy it a king or begger, all have to die the same way .we visit holy places but do not try to peep inside our soul . we feel proud about our look and outfit but do not keep our thoughts pure.        janardan tripathi india                  mo. no.9005030949. 

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१-पृथ्वी के सभी पदार्थों में वायु रमण करता है ,असुद्ध और दुर्गन्ध आदि दोषों से भरा वायु सुखों का नाश करता है /वायु प्राण तत्त्व है/और यह प्...
